Springboard 2 Success is a college prep enrichment program focused on providing 9th – 12th grade students with the resources necessary to help them excel in high school and prepare for college.
african american student
What do our scholars do?
  • Explore career interests and match them with a college and majors
  • Raise ACT/SAT scores thru prep courses
  • Apply for scholarships & other financial aid
  • Strengthen their college admissions portfolio to attract the colleges of their choice
  • Learn about African & African American legacies of excellence and leadership.
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Enhance their confidence

The Springboard 2 Success program involves twice monthly sessions involving career and college exploration, leadership development, effective study skills, confidence building tools and much more. 

Students who would like to have more individualized support, may apply for Springboard 2 Success Tier 2. which has additional individualized sessions with our College Advisor. All Springboard students are also encouraged to take our signature 8-week Triple Threat Test Prep course in 10th and 11th grade.


Note: Topics subject to change with notice.

September 2024

Early Awareness

– College Prep by grade (what students should be focused on by current grade level)

– Introduce Early Decision Deadlines

– Introduce Early Action Deadlines

October 2024


In-person FAFSA Drive with the Georgia Student Finance Commission assisting students with the FAFSA application

– Discuss the different options when it comes to paying for College (scholarship- finding relevant scholarships)

November 2024

Georgia Apply to College Month 

Building a College List – think through and search for the schools you’re interested in attending. Learn about their requirements. Prepare now for what you want in the future.

– Introduce the Reach, Match, and Safety technique. Once you’ve made a list of colleges you’re interested in, narrow it down to the colleges that are a good fit and where you plan to apply.

-Virtual Teach Back- Scholars showcase September – November learnings with parents and the community.

December 2024

Identity and Direction Part 2

Introduce and review Passion Projects  

– Acknowledge where students are in their process

– Create deadlines and check-in points to ensure students are finishing projects promptly

January 2025

Majors, Colleges, and Careers

Introduce and review Holland Codes

Using your Holland Code to identify career paths- is a helpful starting point, but is it enough to make a final decision? Learn how to evaluate your career options based on your level of education, experience, salary expectations, and personal circumstances. 

– Research career of interest and set achievement goals. 

February 2025

College Tour & HBCU vs PWI 

Virtual College Tour – Scholars Choice! A unique opportunity to visit a school of your interest without the costly travel expenses. A virtual college tour guides you through the application process, and campus life in 360-degree videos with a live guide providing valuable insights into college campus life. Then decide if you want to visit in person. What college or university would you like to hear from?

HBCU vs. PWI part 3 –  We’ll explore the major differences in attending a Historically Black College or University vs. a Predominantly white Institution. You won’t want to miss this.

Virtual Teach Back- Scholars showcase December – February learnings with parents and the community.

March 2025

Get lucky, Get Money 

Budgeting  and why it is important for students preparing for college (financial literacy) 

April 2025

Summer Funds Meet Summer Plans 

Help students look for volunteer opportunities and jobs as they are preparing for their future goals ( Resume/ cover letter assistance )

– Senior year Prep (Talk about all the expenses needed for students senior year of high school)

– Freshman Year Expectations vs Experience “Giving you the tea” Hear directly from a panel of college students on their experience in their Freshman year of college.

May 2025

Before I let you go….

End of School year celebration, wrapping up summer plans, scholar Teach Back – March and April’s progress, and senior scholars Passion Project presentations (parents and scholars in attendance).

Springboard 2 Success - Tier 1 Springboard 2 Success - Tier 2
September 2024 - May 2025 $30/month plus $15 registration fee $270 if pay in full for 2024-25 school year (Registration fee waived)
SPRING SPECIAL! Register for our Tier 2 level by April 30th and save 25%! Complete the application and we'll send you the 25% off link. Tier 2 Regular prices (Beginning May 1st): $60/month plus $15 registration fee $540 if pay in full for 2024-25 school year (Registration fee waived)

Springboard 2 Success FAQs

Here’s a sample from 2023-2024

November 2023 – Colleges -Apply to College Month
December 2023 – Identity & Direction –  “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.”
January 2024 – Matching Colleges, Careers & Majors – Passions and preferences
February 2024 – HBCU or PWI? – Code switching & cultural awareness
March 2024 – Show me the money! – Financial Aid 101 & Financial Literacy
April 2024 – Giving you the Tea! – Hear what freshman year is really like from a college student panel.

May 2024 – Celebrations!
June 2024 – Summer plans & Before I let you go…

We generally meet in-person on the first Saturday and virtually on the second Wednesday of each month, September through May. 

The monthly individual sessions are designed to dig deeper into your interests, passion project, high school course plan, career path, and college choices. They provide opportunities for you to ask questions and gain more insights from your College Advisor.

We have several opportunities for that. One is our Springboard 2 Success Student Ambassador program. As a S2S member, you  may be selected to represent the Springboard program as a Student Ambassador.  You will learn leadership skills, practice public speaking, and assist with organizing events such as college fairs and recruitment. This volunteer community service is fun and it  looks great on your college and scholarship applications.

Another leadership opportunity involves leading younger students (middle school and upper elementary) in STEAM summer camps and Saturday programs. You’ll help design and learn how to facilitate the hands-on activities as well as work with peers and younger students guiding, leading, and collaborating.

We are located at 2295 Benjamin E. Mays Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30311. We are in the East Education Wing of Providence Missionary Baptist Church.

Our mailing address is: Nsoromma School, PO Box 311606, Atlanta, GA 31131-1606

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