Supporting Excellence - Empowering Futures

Welcome to Nsoromma School, where every student is a shining star in the cosmic tapestry of learning and growth. In the heart of our educational journey lies the profound meaning of the adinkra symbol, Nsoromma, which translates to “children of the sky” or “children of God” in the Twi language of Ghana.
At Nsoromma, we believe that each student is born with the innate brilliance to illuminate the universe with their unique talents and gifts.

If you are interested in volunteering to help us with the event planning and preparation tasks, or with any of our other organizing, packing up, and legacy documenting tasks, please reach out to us at
We also encourage you to send us your comments, testimonials, photos, and brief stories or memories that will become part of our documented history. If you have any questions please feel free to call us (no texts – it’s not a cell phone) at 404-755-4994 or email us at

Nsoromma School at a Glance
Our Programs
Step into a world where education goes beyond textbooks, where every child is encouraged to shine bright like the star they are. Join us on this journey as we illuminate minds, one Nsoromma star at a time.

Springboard 2 Success

Triple Threat ACT/SAT Test Prep
Our signature Triple Threat ACT/SAT Test Prep course has raised our students’ SAT test scores an average of 164 points with some as high as 320 points after our 8-week course. Triple Threats: Confident, Competent, Strategic

Teachers Transforming
Teachers Transforming is professional development for educators (teachers, homeschooling parents, administrators) interested in drawing out the academic and cultural excellence of children of African descent.

Our Students Soar!

SHE DID IT! She aimed high, she did the work, and she reached the top! Adding to her many scholastic honors, Ayo became our first perfect scorer. She scored a perfect 800 on the Critical Reading section AND a perfect score of 12 out of 12 on the essay. Ayo's math scores were also impressive -- over 700. We asked her how she did it. “I used the strategies I learned in the class. And I did a lot of practice tests so I was very comfortable with the types of questions on the test.” Ayo graduated from Princeton and is currently completing a Ph.D. program at Stanford. We're very proud of this hard-working and focused young lady and what she has accomplished.

We're especially proud of Paige, a North Atlanta HS senior who not only was crowned Miss North Atlanta, she also made a 320-point gain on her SAT total score after taking our SAT Prep course! In between her studies as an International Baccalaureate student and her service at NAHS, she had little time to prep for the SAT her junior year. However, she knew that in order to raise her scores, she needed the structure of a class to help her learn effective strategies and to consistently prepare for the test. A friend suggested that she take Nsoromma's course. Paige shared how she raised her scores so significantly: "For math, I took heed of the instructor's suggestion to focus on the questions I know that I do the best on. I found more of those types of problems, and practiced with them." That may sound counter-intuitive, but it works! She also stated that she carried her SAT vocabulary cards with her and regularly took a few minutes here and there to review them. "When I saw my new scores, I was ecstatic! My mom was even more excited!" We were happy, too, Paige!

Jehuti, a 2010 Westlake HS grad, became Nsoromma's first National Achievement Scholar and earned the highest SAT score in his graduating class! His high scores and GPA earned him a full ride at multiple universities. He graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from North Carolina A&T State University and no student loans!

In the fall of 2011 Justin, a Westlake HS senior, was named a Semi-Finalist in the National Achievement Scholarship competition. Justin made great gains in his test scores each time he attended our Triple Threat SAT Test prep program -- in 10th grade and again in 11th grade. Justin graduated from Morehouse College and works in the financial field.