Teachers Transforming

Unlocking Excellence

At Nsoromma, we believe in equipping educators to not only teach but to inspire, drawing out the academic and cultural excellence inherent in children and youth of African descent. Our pioneering initiative, Teachers Transforming, is the key to answering the question: How do we prepare educators for this crucial task?

Our Focus

Culturally responsive pedagogy
and teaching mathematics for understanding.
Make it meaningful and relevant for students.

Tired of hearing “Why do we have to learn math?” or “Where will we use this stuff?”  Well, math is all around us. In fact, toddlers are doing mathematics naturally before they learn letters and reading. Learn how to help students see those natural everyday connections – because they really are using math concepts everyday.


Teach for understanding.

No more tricks, hocus pocus or convoluted counter-intuitive procedures. Math makes sense –  and it can be shared and learned that way. Understanding mathematical concepts is key for the 21st century skills that students will need in all careers.

What We Offer

A Dynamic Learning Community Format

Engage in thought-provoking discussions and collaborative learning through our supportive learning community format.

Teachers Transforming
– More Than a Program

A professional development initiative emphasizing culturally responsive pedagogy to draw out the best in African American and other students of African descent.. Collaborative platforms for educators and parents to learn, share, and develop best practices.

Who Can Benefit
  • Teachers, educators and school administrators across all educational settings.
  • Homeschooling parents seeking effective strategies.
  • Education majors wanting to expand and reinforce their pedagogy.
  • Teacher educators fostering the next generation of educators.
Our Programs

Immerse yourself in a series of workshops crafted to address the diverse needs of educators in public, private, and independent schools, homeschooling parents, school administrators, and teacher educators.

Custom-Designed Courses

We understand that each school is unique. Our facilitators, experienced educators, school psychologists, administrators, and specialists, design courses to meet your professional development needs.

african american teacher

Current Focus

Teaching Mathematics
for Understanding & Excellence

Dive into our specialized workshops and classes designed for teachers and parents of preschool through 8th-grade students. Click here for detailed descriptions of workshops. This professional development series concentrates on everything MATH!

  • Participate in hands-on experiential workshops for understanding mathematical concepts that go beyond rote memory.
  • Address math anxiety.
  • Build your confidence for teaching math like a math genius, no matter how strong your current math skills are.
  • Explore the current and historical accomplishments and strengths of African and African American people in mathematics throughout the world.
  • Much more…

Teachers Transforming FAQs

Currently Available Workshops:

Each topic can be customized to incorporate age-appropriate activities and developmental milestones for preschool through 8th grade, or can focus on a specific age or grade band.

Number & Operations Sense
Easy ways to master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and more — and it will not be using the dreaded “drill and kill” or meaningless memory tricks! You will learn to facilitate an understanding of numbers and operations beginning with 3 year olds and continuing through challenging activities for 8th graders. When you know how to teach “word problems” to 4-year-olds, your students will breeze through algebra word problems in middle school. And, after this session you will also have a new appreciation of 2(3+8).

These pesky little parts of numbers got you and your students missing the whole number? You will love this cluster of classes. Whether you have preschoolers playing with pattern blocks or middle schoolers solving ratio and proportion problems, you’ll learn how to build a logical foundation and connect fractions, decimals and percents in various situations.

Storytelling with Data, Statistics & Graphs
A picture is worth a thousand words — or a thousand numbers! You’ll learn how to tell stories about data using graphs and other types of visual representations.

Positive and Negative Integers
As always, understanding the concepts behind these mathematical notations is the key. We’ll have fun with hands-on activities and applications for your lessons with your students.

You’ll learn the underlying concepts as well as approaches to teaching problem solving that lead to successful algebra students.

Do you enjoy the non-numerical aspects of geometry that make some students feel like it’s “not really math!”? That and more will be part of this day.

We schedule them throughout the year as well as during the summer. Be sure to sign up for our email list so that you receive the year’s schedule and reminders.

Where are the workshops held?

We meet in-person in Atlanta, GA, or virtually worldwide

Our learning community involves educators in independent schools, public schools, higher ed, and home schools coming together to learn and share with the purpose of developing and implementing best practices in the education of children of African descent. This community helps provide support to those working in settings that may not have the same approach or resources.  Our structure includes workshops, seminars, study groups, and continuing education courses.

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